Jēkabpilī, Ķieģeļu ielā garāžu kooperatīvā Rotors aizdegās garāža, ugunsnelaimes rezultātā bojāta automašīna VW Golf. Savukārt pretī mājai Aizkraukles ielā 5 dega šķūnis un atkritumi. Tāpat ugunsgrēks nopostīja dārza mājiņu Namejā ielā pie mājas numur 28 a. Liesmas tukšu siena šķūni bija pārņēmušas Krustpils pagastā, bet Salas pagastā dega pirts. Visos gadījumos notiek lietas apstākļu noskaidrošana.
Fairly straightforward ecxpet for 14D which was the last to go in. There seems to be a view amongst crossword setters that everyone has a knowledge of French (I don′t, I did Spanish at school). I have to say that I don′t agree with using foreign words unless they are words or phrases commonly used in English. French may have been the lingua franca once, but it certainly isn′t any more. (see what I′ve done there?).
in the comments I didn′t quite see the point of the apotsrophe in 28a. I liked 1 and 12a and 2, 6, 8 and 14d. More cricket! Very cold and snowing a bit but no accumulation still don′t quite trust it! Off now to take my Mum to an outpatients appointment at the hospital. Back later suppose it could be MUCH later! Thanks to Ray T, or whoever set this one and to Gazza for the review.WWW Links [urlWWW Links ot[/url] [linkWWW Links upmsqjwnb[/link]
Not the most difficult but I <a href="WWW Links neeedd</a> a clue to 20d probably because as soon as I see a cricket clue my brain switches off I know I won′t know it!! Otherwise I liked 12a and 14d. Completely cut off from civilisation, no papers, no post, no mobile hairdresser and no supermarket deliveries! Thank God for a computer and the internet. Hopefully the snow will disappear before Christmas, but I have my doubts!
I fancy a lot of people will levaing the Clueless Club today, if there was ever a time for it, today has to be it. If I hear one word from Barry I swear I will be on the next flight to where ever he is and will sit down and beat the answers out of him. (calm down Nubian, the weather is getting to you).Anyway, as you can see it is a doddle today and I agree with Gazza, not very demanding. Now the Toughie is well worth a go so don.t bother with the Cryptic just go straight to the Toughie.Thanks to Gazza, his effors are appreciated regardless of puzzle quality.WWW Links [urlWWW Links vorz[/url] [linkWWW Links iigkvlojzpx[/link]
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